Friday, January 28, 2022

Music Marketing Blog Post #1


    Researching for our project was not difficult. My group was given the miscellaneous category and we decided on the soul song "Coming Home" by Leon Bridges for our music video and marketing campaign. When researching, we first found two very popular label companies, Columbia Records and Atlantic Records. From there we dug through both labels' websites and found 2 soul music artists. All four of these artists are extremely popular and don't really focus on one style of music. For example, Adele could be considered a soul artist, pop artist, or even a jazz artist. All four artists that we researched were researched in-depth and show a different perspective as two are white artists, being Adele and Vance Joy, one is a duo, Silk Sonic, and one, Tyler, the Creator, does produce rap music as well. 

The Brainstorming

    The brainstorming process was messy and not easy. Because none of our group members really listen to soul music, it was difficult to determine what we should do for our video and what we should center our marketing campaign around. Eventually, we decided and made a storyboard with 23 brainstormed scenes. As a result of us hashing it all out in person, blurting ideas out, and forming a complete idea, we didn't do much of our brainstorming on paper, it was mostly just bouncing ideas off of each other and seeing how we could make this video as interesting as possible. I am not familiar with the soul genre so I relied on others to constructively criticize my ideas and tell me whether or not they fit the vibe we were going for. As a group, we were set on the idea of a man being the main character and having his significant other/girlfriend either cheat on him or break up with him. The song revolves around the idea of only having one "perfect" girl for the main character/singer. However, we decided that we would film and edit the video in a way that makes it seem as though his girl is with him the entire time until the end when the audience may realize that the girl has passed on. 

The Planning

    We had to coordinate schedules and settle on a time and place. Additionally, we had to make sure that our ideas could actually be filmed and edited the way we imagined. To do this we decided on what day to film, we decided who would play each part, and we decided who would edit. Deciding all of these ahead of time to facilitate the music video project. Nina would be playing the love interest parallel to Logan, our lead. Helbert would focus on editing our finished video and I would film and primarily focus on the marketing campaign. I offered to work on the campaign as I enjoy making presentations (just not presenting) and I enjoy promoting something that I am proud of. I worked on the logos, the merchandise, promos for our new up-and-coming artist, and helped put the whole presentation together. I am really enjoying/ed this process. My group worked really well as a team, taking everyone's ideas, thoughts, and comments into consideration before putting anything on our planning documents or our PowerPoint presentations. 

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